Sunday 30 November 2014

North by Southwest

Anthologies. Can't get enough of 'em? Indeed, there's no such thing as too many. But sometimes an anthology needs a helping hand to bring it into the world. North Bristol Writers have put together an anthology, North by Southwest, but needs some crowdfunding help get it published.

I should probably mention that it's a rather good collection of stories. (OK, so I should probably also mention that I'm one of the authors.)

But don't just take my word for it. Here's what the inimitable Jonathan L Howard had to say about it:
To whom it may concern,
This prepatent publication features the work of several persons it is my great misfortune to know. Indeed, I have already been acquainted with some of the stories. I must warn you, if you help fund this anthology, you will be instrumental in unleashing a collection of splendid fiction upon an unsuspecting public. Is that what you want? Do you really wish to be forever associated with a “good read”? An “enjoyable collection of eclectic tales”? When you dangle your grandchildren on your knee in some distant time, do you really want the trusting poppets to ask of you, “Grandparental unit, what did you do during the North by Southwest fundraiser?” and for you to have to turn your face to the wall and sob, “Gods forgive me, offspring-of-one-remove, but I donated!” 
Think on, that is all I ask. Think on.
Ready to help? Excellent! Here you go.

And here's the artwork by Claire Hutt that is going to accompany my story, "Like Giants":

Good, isn't it? This good, I'd say (TIA).

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